The screen grabs and video tutorials below provide details on how to scan a QR code or use a web link to add a PWA app to the homescreen on your device.
Progressive Web Apps can quickly and easily be downloaded to your mobile device. They are seeing a huge surge in popularity providing users with a quick and easy way to access Apps on their mobile device. For Native apps the QR code will simply re-direct the user to the Google Play or iOS store when scanned.
Watch the video to see how to add your app to the home screen when scanning a QR code or using a web link. The screen grabs below also highlight this process.
Click the video to see the tutorial. Password is... letmein
Every now and then a new client comes along that you know you'll love working with... And this came true for us a few weeks back. Find out more here...
As we start pulling out of the worst of the global pandemic here in the UK it's been interesting to watch the surge in use of Apps during the last year.